It’s Been Awhile…
Sometimes, no matter how well intentioned you are, life just gets in the way. Navigating my way through this challenge and tbat challenge and the daily rigors of being a single
working mom of a special child takes its toll. There never seems to be enough downtime and lately, there’s definitely not enough me time, but let’s not get distracted from the point of today. Today is Thanksgiving! There is always a reason to be thankful!
There’s a saying…”there, but for the grace of God, go I.” Put simply, thank God for being because without him, it would be way worse. You could be that person who just laid her child to rest, but your child is right beside you. You could be the person who miscarried a child, but you just gave birth to a beautiful little boy. You could be the one who just paid $1000 to get her car fixed but is struggling to make the car payment, but nobody got hurt when the tire blew out. But God is working in all of it. Maybe that person who buried their child finds the strength to help other children and families who are struggling. Maybe the Mom who had a miscarriage adopts a child who doesn’t have a home. Maybe the person struggling with car issues learned that she has people around who will help her if she asks. There is always a reason to be thankful.
Your Thanksgiving Challenge
My son had a writing project at school this week. He was given a few writing prompts and had to complete the sentence he was given. Some of his were a bit fabricated but this was not an easy assignment for him. As far as I’m concerned, he did an amazing job. I am going to challenge you to do this project. You are welcome to share your response on my facebook page, if you so choose. If you are struggling in a big way or in a small way, I encourage you to do this. We all have something to be grateful for!! Here is your challenge:
A memory I am thankful for is…
I am thankful for……
A personality trait I’m thankful for is…
A challenge I am grateful to have overcome is…
I’m grateful to have learned…
(credit to Mr. H. for the idea!!)
Remember, if the glass is half empty, it is also half full! Flip your script!!
Maybe you do have a huge car repair bill, but be thankful you have a car to drive. Maybe your child didn’t sleep all night; be thankful he is sleeping now.
Be thankful for your memories, your people, your challenges, and who you are. Be grateful for the opportunity to learn something new everyday. And after thinking about all of this, if you are still struggling and you still feel down about your life, please reach out to someone who can help you. You are not alone.
Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!